Our Services

  • Dr. Lovell runs workshops with energy and momentum. He uses a goal-oriented approach, helping attendees define the outcomes they want and work backwards to plan their vision. He offers regular workshops on quitting your cell phone to reconnect with your family, friends, and co-workers. See the events page for upcoming workshop dates.

  • Green Collar Works provides management consulting services for individuals, growing startups, and mature businesses in areas of technology, product and project management, and executive coaching.

  • Green Collar Works offers services to early career individuals, particularly women and LGBTQ individuals to further their skills in STEM. Our best matches are early career product managers and scientists.

  • Dr. Robin Lovell has had over a decade of teaching experience across secondary, collegiate, and post-graduate education. A UCSC trained environmental scientist, he has worked in sociology, GIS, and environmental disciplines. Dr. Lovell has an interdisciplinary approach that can benefit any modern scholar.